post and beam wood greenhouse
Building a wood frame greenhouse with structural glue-lams can be achieved and designed by a professional greenhouse and sunroom builder or a DIY person who has good carpentry building skills

Finished wood frame greenhouse made with structural Douglas Fir.
We mentioned the feasibility of using structural glue-lams as a viable alternative to aluminum and other types of structural materials, mostly because of cost and aesthetics.
A wooden post and beam greenhouse looks absolutely stunning when completed.
Personally speaking, the beauty and feel of wood can truly enhance any home, regardless of the homes style and design. Finished wood just fits well into any setting.
…A DIY greenhouse does in many ways save dollars.
The labor factor alone accounts for about 40 – 50 % of any greenhouse project.
So when planning a greenhouse project, that is a consideration that may weigh in significantly towards moving ahead and making that decision today or later on when you feel the time and investment is just right for you.

Key components that will make your greenhouse garden truly a successful venture.
Without those key components you will wind up with a greenhouse that gets too hot and gets too cold.
In some cases in may turn into a catch-all like a storage shed. Was that the original purpose?
Unlikely results can occur without the right planning.
A wood frame greenhouse can be stick built with conventional 2 x 4s and 2 x 6s but this will lead to an unstable structure since plain old wood will deteriorate, twist and check. Only time will tell how long it will last.
Take the time to stain and seal structural wood components, you’ll be amazed how much longer your wood frame will last..!

Penny wise dollar foolish
Many backyard greenhouses are made from wood, or PVC tubing with plastic sheathing. Others are aluminum kit structures with polycarbonate panels.
These types of greenhouses are seasonal, unless you heat them.
Aluminum frame polycarbonate green houses will extend your growing season.
Greenhouses in high country, where the growing season is short
- should always have a solid insulated north wall
- north facing roofs are either all insulated or partially insulated
- sloping offset glazed roof with southern exposure. These types of greenhouses hold their heat better than a translucent poly film structure.
Other components in a wood frame greenhouse that are equally important
- ventilation passages
- operable skylights. Manually operated skylights, cheaper than automated ones.
- Operable windows and ventilated doors, with an operable window and or screen combination glass door
- Heat sources, growing all year long in cold regions requires heat source, especially for bitter cold nights.
- Heat sink
- insulated foundation walls, 2″ on each side
Radiant heat and stored up heat will escape rapidly without an insulted north wall, unless you have a heater.
More on heat sources in another chapter.
Greenhouse plans are essential to a successful greenhouse … Custom Wood Frame Greenhouse
If you build it, your plants will grow!
if it is built right. your harvest will prosper